The Old Depot Museum and the Franklin County Records & Research Center are now open for limited hours. Please note that these hours and restrictions will change as mandated by county and state health officials. Museums and archives face special challenges during a pandemic because artifacts and archives cannot be sanitized without risking permanent harm to the object. Limiting exposure and allowing time for viruses and bacteria to die off naturally is an important line of defense in keeping staff, volunteers, visitors, and artifacts safe. The Old Depot Museum will…
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POSTPONED: Foam on the Range, presented by Isaias McCaffery – December 16
Foam on the Range Wednesday, December 16, 7 p.m. Watch via Facebook Live Wherever You Are Watch at Not Lost Brewing and enjoy a round courtesy of The Gun Guys in Ottawa, KS This event has been postponed. A new date will be announced in the spring. Settle in with your favorite beverage for a story about prohibition, an attempt to thwart immigrant brewers, and immigrant perseverance in Kansas! Watch this program live online from wherever you are or watch it over dinner and beer at Not Lost Brewing! Details…
Read MoreExhibit celebrates Women’s Suffrage in Kansas and Missouri
Demanding a Greater Future: Celebrating a Centennial of Women’s Suffrage Now through December 5 Old Depot Museum “…because she is a progressive being ever out-growing the past and demanding a higher and greater future…” – Moneka Women’s Rights Association statement of purpose, 1858 Demanding a Greater Future: Celebrating a Centennial of Women’s Suffrage marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment by exploring the efforts women in Missouri and Kansas undertook to secure voting rights. Demanding a Greater Future examines the national struggle for women’s suffrage to…
Read MorePresentation, exhibits explore Women’s Suffrage in Kansas and Franklin County
The Franklin County Historical Society will host a presentation and outdoor and indoor exhibits to commemorate the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed women the right to vote. On August 18, 7 p.m., FCHS will host “The Long Road to Women’s Suffrage in Kansas,” a presentation and discussion by Diane Eickhoff. The free program will be offered via Facebook Live at The program is made possible by Humanities Kansas. Kansas was historically a leader in women’s rights, yet the campaign for voting rights in Kansas…
Read MoreNow through December: New museum exhibit explores history of hotels in Franklin County
The Old Depot Museum’s newest exhibit explores the first century of Franklin County’s Hotels and how they reflect the needs of the towns they served. “Rooms For Rent” includes photographs and artifacts from twenty Franklin County hotels, including hotels that once served Richmond, Williamsburg, Rantoul, Lane, Wellsville, Princeton, and Ottawa. When new towns were established on the prairie, hotels were among the first structures built, said Diana Staresinic-Deane, FCHS Executive Director. Those early hotels served as accommodations for travelers and residents building businesses and homes, community dining halls, meeting rooms,…
Read MorePhased Reopening Begins June 17!
August 9, 2020: Our hours and availability have updated! Please click here for the latest information. Beginning June 17, the Old Depot Museum and the Franklin County Records & Research Center will phase into reopening with appointments during limited hours. Museums and archives face special challenges during a pandemic because artifacts and archives cannot be sanitized without risking permanent harm to the object. Limiting exposure and allowing time for viruses and bacteria to die off naturally is an important line of defense in keeping staff, volunteers, visitors, and artifacts safe.…
Read MoreCANCELED: April 22: Unboxing History (Facebook Live Event)
CANCELED: Unboxing History Series (Online!) Wednesday, April 22, 2 p.m. Franklin County Records & Research Center We’re going to do this program via Facebook Live! Follow us on Facebook for details. The Franklin County Historical Society is home to more than 67,000 artifacts, including textiles, photographs, archives, and other objects. You’re invited to explore the hidden world of the FCHS collection–one box at a time! During each program in our new Unboxing History series, Collections Manager Gloria Kruse and Archives and Research Specialist Ashley Brannan will select one box of…
Read MoreCANCELED: April 25: Adrian Zink presents Wicked Kansas
Wicked Kansas presented by Adrian Zink Saturday, April 25, 2 p.m. NCCC, 900 E Logan, Ottawa, KS Free Event; Books for Sale Following the restrictions set by state and county health officials, the Franklin County Historical Society has canceled all in-person events through the month of April. We hope to reschedule this event when it is safe to do so. Adrian Zink is back! The Hidden History of Kansas author will talk about his new book, Wicked Kansas, which explores the seedier side of the Sunflower State–murders, cons, extrajudicial killings…
Read MoreFCHS facilities temporarily closed to public
In order to protect our staff, volunteers, researchers and visitors, the Franklin County Historical Society is taking the following precautions: The Old Depot Museum at 135 W Tecumseh in Ottawa, Kansas, will be closed to the public through Sunday, March 29 until further notice. We recognize that Kansas’ experience with COVID-19 is changing rapidly, and FCHS buildings will remain closed while KDHE and the county health department recommend limiting group sizes. The Franklin County Records & Research Center at 1124 W 7th Street Terrace in Ottawa, Kansas, will be closed…
Read MoreCANCELED April 7: Petroglyphs of the Kansas Smoky Hills
Petroglyphs of the Kansas Smoky Hills presented by Rex Buchanan Tuesday, April 7, 7 p.m. Neosho County Community College Ottawa Campus, 900 E Logan, Ottawa, Kansas Following the restrictions set by state and county health officials, the Franklin County Historical Society has canceled all in-person events through the month of April. We hope to reschedule this event when it is safe to do so. For centuries, native inhabitants of the land now known as Kansas have carved elaborate images in the soft sandstone of the Smoky Hills. Many of these…
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