Critter Companions exhibit opening March 17

Pets the subject of new exhibit at Old Depot Museum Ottawa, Kansas—The Old Depot Museum’s new exhibit explores Franklin County’s relationship with animals. Critter Companions, a look at working animals and companion pets, opens March 17. Before the 19th Century, most animals found in average households were working animals. Cats chased mice, dogs scented game, and horses provided transportation. During the mid-1800s, companion animals, which had once been common only among more affluent households, began to find their way into the hearts and homes of average citizens. As members of…

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Author Paul Thomas to speak about Kansas ghosts, history

Ghost stories and Kansas history will be the focus of author Paul Thomas’s presentation on Sunday, October 29, 3 p.m. at Neosho County Community College in Ottawa, Kansas. Thomas has long been interested in Kansas folklore and the ghost stories of northeastern Kansas. As a student at the University of Kansas, he cofounded the Stephenson Hall Paranormal Investigation Team, which investigated purportedly haunted locations in and around the Lawrence area. His new book, Haunted Lawrence, looks at the ghosts of one of Kansas’ oldest towns. He explores the stories—and the…

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