Pi Kappa Delta: The Art of Persuasion: from Ottawa to the World 1913-2020
Exhibit Grand Opening Reception
Friday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Old Depot Museum
In order to protect our staff, volunteers, researchers, and visitors, the Franklin County Historical Society is closing our facilities to the public and canceling events through March 29. The Pi Kappa Delta grand opening has been canceled, but the exhibit will open to the public at a later date. For more information, click here.
Pi Kappa Delta, the oldest comprehensive intercollegiate forensic (Speech and Debate) organization in the world, grew out of the rough and tumble oratory and debate competitions at Ottawa University at the turn of the 19th century. Inspired by the dreams of a youthful

instructor, the energy and enthusiasm of a few OU students laid the foundation in 1913 for the nationwide organization that over the years has trained and prepared countless students for professionals in politics, business, entertainment, and academics.
Join OU faculty members, current students and alumni for the exhibit’s grand opening reception on March 13! Admission is free; donations to the Old Depot Museum are appreciated.
This exhibit is produced by the staff at the Pi Kappa Delta Archives at Ottawa University. Can’t make it on March 13? The exhibit will be on display through May 31. For more information, call the Old Depot Museum at (785) 242-1250.